WHOIS Lookup
Enter a domain name in the box below to look up any available registration details in the WHOIS Database. Due to the way the WHOIS Database works, the information that is available for each domain name may vary, or may not be available at all. This tool queries the WHOIS server of the Registry directly, rather than a generic database, so the information found below is likely the most accurate information available.
We Are Proud to Have Happy Customers in the Following Countries
"My previous host would go offline at exactly the wrong moment. Not only would I lose my important email connectivity, but my web site would be down also, and clients were unable to review design work that was almost always on a very tight schedule. TiVaHost has been a consistently superior hosting and email provider than my past ISP's. I have yet to experience any downtime that wasn't scheduled maintenance, my web site loads quickly every time, and my email is extremely reliable.
I would recommend them for the reasons listed above, and also because they make the transfer so easy. It's a very daunting task to try and take your entire business web site and email structure and migrate to a new ISP without a lot of trouble along the way. But TiVaHost made it very easy for me, conducting the transfer of my entire site and email history to their much more reliable service. I only had to authorize the process and TiVaHost took care of the rest for me, and I was up and running very quickly with no loss of data. The price for the service is unbelievably low. I'm amazed they can offer this level of service for such a reasonable price.
I wish I'd heard of TiVaHost sooner."
— Matt Hoover, Owner, Matt Hoover Design (California, U.S.A.)
I would recommend them for the reasons listed above, and also because they make the transfer so easy. It's a very daunting task to try and take your entire business web site and email structure and migrate to a new ISP without a lot of trouble along the way. But TiVaHost made it very easy for me, conducting the transfer of my entire site and email history to their much more reliable service. I only had to authorize the process and TiVaHost took care of the rest for me, and I was up and running very quickly with no loss of data. The price for the service is unbelievably low. I'm amazed they can offer this level of service for such a reasonable price.
I wish I'd heard of TiVaHost sooner."
— Matt Hoover, Owner, Matt Hoover Design (California, U.S.A.)
To view more testimonials, please visit our Customer Testimonial page.